勉強会・オンラインカンファレンスについて-Online Seminar & Online Conference

勉強会・オンラインカンファレンスについて-Online Seminar & Online Conference


Due to the spread of the coronavirus in Japan starting around March 2020, travel restrictions were implemented and we were unable to invite artists to Aso in 2020. Instead, a number of events and activities were discussed, but the ever-changing conditions surrounding the coronavirus pandemic limited the resulting activities to two online seminars.


2014年から2018年までのコーディネーター、葉山悠子さんと2019年のコーディネーター樅木愛さんによる「勉強会」を配信形式で行いました。熊本県、阿蘇地域の市町村担当者、関係者、世話人さん(アーティストが阿蘇地域に滞在する際に言葉のサポートをする)に向けて、それぞれの年に招へいしたアーティストと作品、また、アーティストからのコメントyuko haも交えてこれまでに参加した28名全てのアーティストと作品を紹介しました。初めて企画に関わった方も経験がある方も、これまで担当していないアーティストや、他の地域の取り組み方を知る素晴らしい機会になりました。

Online Seminar

An online seminar was led by Yuko Hayama, coordinator of the AIA program from 2014 to 2018, and Ai Mominoki, coordinator for 2019. The seminar was held for people involved in the AIA program and past artist helpers (people who looked after the artists during their time in Aso), and took a look back at the work of all 28 artists who had participated in the AIA residency program. The seminar turned out to be a wonderful opportunity for new and old members of the AIA project to share information and their experiences related to the program.



Online Conference

AIA’s 1st International Online Conference was broadcast live online and featured a lecture from Yasuyuki Saegusa, professor at Sojo University and judge for the AIA, followed by an online discussion with past AIA artists. During his lecture, Professor Saegusa provided expert analysis of past artwork and explained the significance of Artist in Aso as an art event. After the lecture, ten past AIA artists from all over the world joined in for an online roundtable discussion where the artists discussed how their experiences influenced their work and how their work has changed as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. For these artists currently unable to move about and continue with their normal creative work due to COVID-19, this conference offered a meaningful opportunity for everyone to exchange their thoughts, current situations, and experiences in Aso.