About the final exhibition work of Maria Wasilewska.

Maria Wasilewska

1. The shadow of Nekodake 
2. Nango-hi hope
3. inspirations

Maria Wasilewska
Maria Wasilewska


Would you explain about your works for the exhibition?

I made a few artworks. First it was a site-specific land art connected with Takamori-machi, Tsukimawari Park. It was a ‘Shadow of Nekodake’. People live with volcano in that area and I think that this ‘shadow’ is something positive, because in this volcano area, it gives you beautiful nature, living close to nature, rich plantation for life. In western culture, shadow is something like lack of something but here, I think something positive. It’s very interesting for me. I also prepared objects something made of wood, Nango-hi, special kind of Japanese cedar and I wanted to make simple signs which connect Japanese culture with wood nature.

How was your impression of Aso?

It was an incredible time for me. I was really happy to be there, and it was a very important time for me. I was fascinated with nature, people and Japanese culture. It was like in my dream to be there. Everyday I discovered something new, something special. I feel I have to be back to Japan again.


私はいくつかの作品を作りました。まず、高森町の「月廻り公園」でサイトスペシフィック・ランドアートを作りました。「根子岳の影」 と言う作品でした。その地域の人々は火山と共に暮らしていますが、この 「影」 は何かポジティブなものだと思えるのです。なぜなら、この火山地域には、美しい自然、自然と密接な生活、豊かな農園があるからです。西洋文化において影とは、何かが欠けているように感じますが、ここではポジティブなものに思えるのです。それはとても興味深いです。また、私は日本特有の南郷檜で木製のオブジェを作りました。日本文化と木を繋ぐシンプルな標識を作りたいと思いましたので。

